Ethico-Legal Perspectives of Resolution Professionals & Disciplinary Actions Under IBBI Regulations

08 August 2020


1. Rules & Regulations related to ethics of IRP/RP/Liquidator as a professional

2. Prescribed ethics/conduct expected from IRP/RP/Liquidator under IBC

3. How function of IRP/RP/Liquidator can be more transparent.

4. Legal/Judicial take so far related to conduct of IRP/RP/Liquidator

5. Suggestive cautious measures for IRP/RP/Liquidator during CIRP/Liquidation.

6. How to respond to disciplinary proceedings by IRP/RP/Liquidator.

7. Why and how the records to be maintained by IRP/RP/Liquidator.

8. How to convene COC / Stakeholder meetings

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