Foreign Collaboration & Investment – Higher Education Sector India

01 November 2013

A bill “Foreign Education Provider (Regulation) Bill 2010” has been introduced to facilitate operations of foreign educational institutions in India.

It is little more than half a century ever since the Government initiated a planned development of higher education in the country particularly with the establishment of University Grants Commission in 1953. Thus early 1950’s is an important reference points from which one could look back at India’s progress in higher education sector.

A bill “Foreign Education Provider (Regulation) Bill 2010” has been introduced to facilitate operations of foreign educational institutions in India. The proposed legislation would regulate the entry of foreign education providers as per India’s priorities.

Though 100 percent Foreign Direct Investment through automatic route is permitted in the education sector since 2000, but the present legal structure in India does not allow granting of degrees by foreign educational institutions in India.

The need for global collaboration in higher education is the best solution to face the challenges of requirement of skilled manpower in 21st century. The proposed Foreign Education Providers Bill would facilitate globally renowned institutes and universities to participate in India’s higher education sector. It will also bring in foreign education providers for vocational education and training.

Investment in higher education sector in India by foreign institutions would not only benefit Indian students but also help other countries in getting skilled human resource for their economy.

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